Wednesday, 4 May 2011

delay can be good

Okay, I know I said I'd post with some sewing done, but things dont always go to plan do they? 
I spent a good 3 hours painstakingly learning to "stipple" (at least I think thats what I was doing) FMQ on my red white and blue lynnebobsquarepants.  The front looked okay.  The back didnt.

If any clever FMQers want to tell me what I'm doing wrong feel free, though I should point out I've been through all the tension settings and it all looks like that.  And I also made sure I was not pushing/pulling the fabric.  I dont know.  Anyway, the front looked okay, then I dropped the rotary cutter on it.  Little ****er takes 3 goes to cut through one layer of fabric completely, yet I drop it and it sliced very nicely through all three layers...

So, I'm sticking my tongue out at that one and blowing a huge big raspberry.  It can sit on the UFO pile for a while.  I also had a go at quilting the scrap/block cushion cover thingy I did a few posts back.  I think I got a little carried away.

This is the back by the way, (yes, its not as faulty as the other one, no I have no idea what I did differently, other than cease to care...)  the front looks nicer, but you dont see the quilting madness on photos of the front so I thought I'd treat you to pics that really show how carried away I got.  Is there a rule as to how many patterns you put on one wee cushion?   Probably.  Do I care?  Naahhh.   

Okay so these pics all look less than pretty, I was hoping to be posting lovely pictures of finished cushions.  Nevermind.  I will at some point, but not in the next week  -  The narcoleptic is leaving the cupboard...  My man is taking me to Edinburgh for a long weekend :-)  Yay!  So happy!  All very last minute, decided and booked this afternoon, leaving tomorrow!  Bet the good weather breaks and it pours...  I DONT CARE!  (Really really excited!)  Might even go see some Monkeys...  (fingers crossed). 


  1. Oh you just made me laugh out loud! Rotary cutter is a b*****d though. First time I tried FMQ I thought it was alchemy and that I would never get it 'cause I'm a numpty and everyone else was more clever. You look like you had a good old play on that pillow though. And finally - have a fantastic time in Edinburgh. Great city.

  2. My FMQing does that when I move the fabric too fast. Your design on your second (wild but wonderful!) one is more intricate and has more corners so you were maybe moving slower on those designs. I'm still learning myself but if you've tried ramping up the tension then that's what I'd be trying next.

    Enjoy Auld Reekie! Hope the weather holds (but who cares, right?)

  3. when in doubt, change your needle. I usually remember this after hours of tinkering around with the tension ...

  4. I am the last person to answer any FMQ questions but I can tell you this.....I hope you have a great time on your long weekend. Now when you say you mean the singers or the animals?

  5. Have a wonderful long weekend :)
    And have a look at this post, maybe it'll help:

  6. I think it's a case of practice, practice, practice. Well I hope so, coz mine needs to get better too! But I think that hand made stuff ought to look a bit, what's the word I'm looking for, quirky?
    Have a great weekemd in Edinburgh

  7. Thanks so much lovely lovely ladies. I shall go away and enjoy myself then I will come home, change the needle, hold the fabric tighter, concentrait, read the freemotionquilting blog and have another go. Isn't loopy a brilliant word? One definition covers one cushion, the other definition covers me (and the green cushion).

  8. Hey, don't panic over the FMQing, it's practice, but I think Lynz hit the nail right on the head, it's only when you are going round curves and it's a speed thing! slow down for the curves :) Have a fabulouse time away :)

  9. My machine suddenly started doing this and would stop if I ramped up the tension, but eventually I reached 9 on the tension dial and I had to take it in to be serviced. Turns out sometimes the tension goes off so much you can't twiddle you way out of it :) I think this is because of the massive abuse I give my little home-model trying to sew crazy things like boat canvas covers and leather handbags. Probably not your issue, but I feel your pain anyways.

  10. I love the back of that cushion! It's amazing! I wish I could do that! I think by just letting go and not worrying you really got into a groove so to speak and it worked!

    Have a lovely weekend! xx

  11. I am certain you are already doing better, given your second go which is full of great fun designs! Some additional tips: I rethread everything when that happens. Also, I use microtex large eye (for quilting or for denim or for topstitching) needles. And I find I can move the quilt more reliably instead of speeding up on the curves when I wear quilter's gloves (or garden gloves with rubber on the fingers also work). Finally, practice makes a huge difference.
