Man is still at sea, and no doubt now hoping he'll be at sea a bit longer too! Ah bless him, he just cannot stand home maintenance, and he really truly didn't know that until after he'd bought a small, bizarrely constructed 1906 three storey town house, every inch of which in dire need of repair or replacing... He is, fortunately, a trusting soul and so far has not objected to my little touches... the (now covered in cushions) window seat I had put in the living room, the not gay at all rainbow tiling in the bathroom... I'm sure the yellow dotty flooring I've just picked will go down a treat! Well, he will leave it to me...
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Photo from the website - Avenue flooring, bubblegum range (Man loves it by they way - yay!!) |
These are my little happy treats, and they cheer me up when the house has been getting me down. Its not always nice being on your own in an old house, especially when you're a paranoid numpty like me. If you're going to be living alone and you want to get a pet for company and reassurance I can tell you now that a scaredy cat is no bloody help at all! She gets freaked out by noises as much as I do...
"WTF was that?!! Did you hear it???" |
There was a cracker the other day, sounded like rubble sliding down a cliff face.... I'm assuming some dirt just slid down between the wall and the plasterboard. And don't get me started on the musical floor... There's barely a step on the stairs that doesn't talk to you when you tread on it. Such are the joys of old houses!!
No, not where I live... This is Park Hall. (I should point out its not a "good stone building" either, it was one of the early concrete houses. Still stunning though, and one I absolutely love!) |
I have always been a passionate advocate of old housing. I have indeed been known to rant like a mad woman when I see yet another soulless, identi-kit house
Anyway... I digressed. Just a little... but you're lucky I can string a sentence together to be honest! I did get a bit of sewing done before builder started, but I didnt get photos.... It was just doing some free motion quilting and then binding on a childrens panel to finish up one of the quilts for my local Project Linus. I hope to do a lot more of that this year too.
Well, quilty plans and ideas are brimming to overflowing in my tiny brain just now. I wonder if it coincides with my least active periods on purpose?! To update the situation with my FAA membership (Fabric Addicts Anonymous) I have failed big time. I must be due a suspension... or a hefty slap on the wrist at least. I have 2 parcels on their way. They will be the only arrivals in February though, of that I am quite sure. Right, I think that pretty much covers the last 2 weeks! The thick grey soup has lifted from the sky and the house is actually not dark for the first time in a long time. Damn... now I can see just how badly I need to hoover... better try and do something
Laters peeps x