Thursday 1 May 2014

happiness. we know a song about that dont we teddy...

 Hmm, becoming a monthly update this is innit.  Well, there has been a little sewing, little bits at a time that is, when granny babysits Molly.  The only things I've finished are a changing mat, and three neckerchief bib thingys - no photos of these as the changing mat is in use (as in it's been pee'd on) and the bib thingys are, well, no idea where they are right now!

I got some wee fussy cuts done for some economy blocks (baaa) and I've stalled at putting them together.  I always seem to forget that I hate triangles.  The project is on hold now anyway as a cup of tea accidentally landed on all my cut pieces.  I'll continue to sew them together at some point and save the washing and stain removal etc for when its all sewn up.   Bit dodgy doing that I suppose as it might result in time wasted sewing up stained ruined fabric, but I cant be arsed trying to clean teeny triangles and not have them fray and warp out of shape.

I got some free motion quilting done, some nice big daisies.  That was a lot easier than anticipated.  Well, dont get me wrong, I dont find it easy at all, but I'd built it up in my head as a near impossibility and it wasnt, obviously.  Sure do need a lot of practice though...  its definitely not my strong suit!

Most fun of all though was the afternoon sewing I was granted today.  Yikes!  More triangles!  You know what?  I've got 50% of the quilt top done with no starching, no pinning, no trimming and no pressing, and its been so far problem free with 90% perfect points.  Go figure!!!

Molly has been in a growth spurt all week.  Or at least we hope that's what it is.  A
It must be a growth spurt.  She couldn't possibly have turned into a demon child overnight for absolutely no apparent reason.... I jest, she is not a demon child at all, not in the slightest.  She has just been attempting to impersonate one every now and again this past week.  Ah now I feel bad saying that as I think back to bed time and her tears and snivels and pitiful cries.  Poor wee moo.  I hope its over soon as I'm missing my grinning wee darling terribly!

She's just been awffy gurney, and OMG she has discovered THE NOISE.  No "coo" or "goo" or "ba" or "ma" for my wee lass yet.  No.  My little angel has discovered she can make a noise, a noise so loud and so bloody awful it gets attention immediately....  A noise so powerful its rendition causes her face to turn purple and on 9 out of 10 occaisions to actually choke herself... Its not a scream, its not a cry, think more  unbelievably loudly straining whilst being strangled at the same time.  To the tune of NUAAAAAAAAAACH.  Usually followed by desperate choking coughs and splutters.... And I swear, she does it for fun.  There is the most fantastic look of mischief on her at the end of it. 

So anyway.  Granny gave me an afternoon off to sew, and let me tell you it was bloody marvellous.  Molly sat with us some of the time, and seemed to enjoy mummys musicals mix.  Ah my wee lamb.  She will get mummys music for quite some time.  (and like it...)  Talking of mummys choice, did I ever tell you about the slightly sad gathering I did for "when I have my own baby"?  Ah yes.  Started when I was 19 with my favourite old teddies, my favourite toys, buying up dvd versions of the kids tv, original disney classic movies I grew up with... etc.  All for when I have my own.....  
Well I've got my own now!  So far I'm delighted to say she is enjoying the music - she's too wee for the dvds and books yet.

I'm loving the excuse to listen to my childhood again too.  I'm sure I speak for more than just myself when I say that us kids of the 70's have had our childhoods fairly battered these last few years.  From the "cleaning up" of Enid Blyton to Rolf letting us down and thank god Jim never got my letter....   I might have to accept that Jake the Peg wont be making any more appearances on Junior Choice, and Two Little Boys will have me in tears for new reasons, but I'm not giving up on Noddy... Molly will grow up with Big Ears sharing his bed...  


  1. You have got to film that "noise" and post it for us!!;)

    Glad you are getting some sewing done....nice Granny...nice!;)

  2. She is lovely, and I am glad for the update. Nice you have some time for sewing too!

  3. Lovely to hear from you! Glad you are getting some sewing done! I totally understand the " when I'm a mum " collection - for the last dozen years ( half my girls' lifetime) I've been keeping stuff for. "When I'm a grandma"!!!!! Sadly I don't think the wiggles and bananas in pyjamas videos that they loved will be any good - who has a video player these days, and even if some do, will they still exist by the time I'm a grandma??

  4. Fab post, laughing sore here, I am in denial over Rolf. But a word of warning on future viewing - Thomas now has NEW music!! Just sayin'.

  5. I will never get over Rolf Harris.

  6. Just such a cutie, even if a noisy one. It was a shocker about Rolf and a lot of the others. As for Jim I always thought he looked a creepy b****d just a shame it didn't all come out when he was alive!

  7. Fuck. I just choked on my apple - I did the same "thank god!" over my Jim letter! And Rolf now has a whole new meaning to go with "can you tell what it is yet?"!! *g* You have brightened my day no end!

    Dee is right, we need a wee video of The Noise! She's such a cutie (and she'll go back to her easygoing self eventually - they all do this!) Now, must go and wipe the apple slavers off my machinery...

  8. Bagpuss!!!!! And how about Fraggle Rock for when she's older?!

  9. Lovely to hear how you're getting on :) You have a lot of my childhood there! You need My Naughty Little Sister read by Felicity Kendall - awesome.

  10. But she is gorgeous, so she can make any noise she likes!

  11. Molly moo is as cute as ever! Glad you are getting some sewing time! Jxo

  12. Molly Moo is just treating you as all children treat their mum's. As a great source of entertainment as they wind us up to no end. It gets worse so brace yourself. Walking talking children are even scarier. So happy you are getting some sewing time in though. Bugger about the tea. Keep tea away from fabric. That's an order! And I got mine hooked on Noddy, The Sound of Music, Enid Blyton and the whole damn lot. Proper childhood stuff that.

  13. Hoping Molly has cheered up again. Katie has had a really grumpy week too.....gets a bit wearing doesn't it?! But then it just takes a wee cuddle to remember they are just wee and not happy about something. The Noise sounds wonderful - what talent!
    Bagpuss was my favourite to pull out for the kids to watch - which reminds me that Katie hasn't been subjected to it yet, the others are past it now.
    Love the fabrics in the quilt, 90% points makes me very jealous.
    And yes to your email, will reply properly soon! Juliex

  14. No matter how often you post it's good to hear from you :) Little Moo is just gorgeous (at least from here I can't hear her scream) and your daisies are beautiful. You're giving me confidence that even I could FMQ....must give it a go.

  15. [catching up, sorry] I'm in the midst of toddler meltdowns and for the first time feel properly flummoxed. Don't do the Mr Men thing - Mr Messy reads like a US extraordinary Rendition, just because he's a little different to the rest #appalled

  16. Don't worry, you're allowed to call your baby a demon child. It doesn't mean you're a bad mum. Just an honest one :)
    Hope this spurt goes quickly, and you have a nice long break before the teething begins.
    For your tea stained fabric, you could try putting them in a basin for a warm hand soak. If you don't agitate them, they shouldn't fray or distort. After soaking, just lay them on a towel to dry, without wringing them out. Lay another towel over the top and walk all over them, then take the top towel off and just leave them lying there to dry (or transfer to a dry towel first).
    Yes, the changes to books we grew up on is the pc world gone mad. Or just a bunch of nuts with dirty minds ruining it

  17. I love those dribble bibs, they're very handy. We get the noise too (although we're passing into raspberries and dadadadadadadada now) - I hated it happening in public, but one of our baby group teachers just keeps repeating "it's good for development, it's good for development". Not much comfort at 2 am, but still.....!
