Saturday 16 July 2011

just a block or two

Oh I feel like I've done nothing and have nothing to tell you about!  My shopping day on Thursday (groceries.. boring..) really did wipe me out.  I could hardly stay awake at all  on Friday, and today's been a little dopey too :-)  However, thank you so much to everyone who commented on my "this quilt top just doesn't look right" dilemma.  I went with the general consensus, majority rules and all.  I've unpicked the whole top...  And I didn't rip the fabric!  Its all re-pressed and waiting for me to do the sashing, hopefully I might do that tomorrow as I really did want to do it today...  I don't know, the will and desire where there, but every time I walked into the sewing cupboard I just knew I was too tired, and sometimes its best to accept it and go vegetate...

I played about a bit on the ol' laptop and did me a new blog header, you like?  The awesome "narcoleptic in a cupboard" picture was done especially for me by one of my bestest mates, isn't it great?!

I did have good sewing days on Monday and Tuesday mind you, I got my blocks done for Project 51!  You know, the secret project, I'll never te-ell....

d'oh! only just noticed they're a bit blurry, sorry!

I can tell you that these blocks are from a lovely pattern by the very talented Angela @ Fussy Cut which featured on Moda Bakeshop

Oh, I told you a few posts ago I'd made a bag for my sister-in-law; well, it went down well - she likes!  I can show you now!

Its got one of my favourite prints on the inside, Michael Millers Dysfunctional Family.  Love it :-)

So, fingers crossed I'll be back in the sewing cupboard tomorrow, I've got a lot to get done!  First thing will be the message block for Project 51 (I did one already but numpty twattypants went and made exactly the same mistake I've told you about before, with the "vanishing" fabric pen , so it needs redone...)  Then next up will be getting my July blocks done for Brit Bee.   I've done one block, so I really need to get a move on and do the second.  Miss July provided us with some Oakshott cotton to play with.  I have to say, it is the most gorgeous red I've seen.

It will soon be my turn to be Queen Bee, so I've got a hell of a lot of planning and sorting to do!
 Carnt wait :-)


  1. Your new blog header looks great! I've been thinking of re-doing mine too....just need to figure out what I want to put up there :) Well done!

  2. Hi there. The new header is great - love the picture of you. I want to make mine more exciting but don't know where to start. I like the colours and fabrics in the blocks. You've got lots there that I would love. Must get online and do some (more) shopping!

  3. I like it a lot! You've got a really talented friend! I've been thinking mine needs an overhaul but then again I've got another header thing to think about so maybe, maybe not.

    The blocks look great, and like the film reference! I had her voice in my head when I read it!

    I like the raspberry and grey cotton, what are you going to do with it? Or is it a secret?

  4. Oh, and I'd like to say, great MEMEME bit! It's nice to see the interview you did in it's entirety! Sorry if it's been there a while, hadn't seen it...whoops.

  5. Have been admiring the new header banner....... especially Ms EllieCat posing beautifically :-)
    Seems to me you've been a very busy bee - well, compared to me that is :-) Love the Micheal Miller fabric (& of course the red & aqua) its taken me awhile to get my head round retro fabric (being a retro child of the '50s meself) but I'm getting there ;-)
    & as for "numpty twattypants" HA! rofl ;-)

  6. Looooove the new look!
    OMG I had Dysfunctional Family on the short-list for Resurrection Tea Party as I thought you might like it!
    Great P51s xxx

  7. Love, love, love the new header - cool drawing by your friend - my you're a stunner! Your P51 blocks are so lovely, gorgeous prints in there. And that handbag - well what can I say! Beeeeuuut! Jxo

  8. Yep, the new banner is awesome!! loving the drawing, it gives you a very cool vibe! and the bag is fabulous - you should make a few and sell them locally ;) must of missed the post about the quilt top (had the kids all weekend!) will go and find it now....

  9. Your new look is fantastic! I missed the post about the quilt top too, but hope it goes better this time. Your P51 blocks are lovely!

  10. Sarah, your blog header is FANTASTIC! I love it and noticed it straight away! Your projects are great and I especially love the bag you cool is that lining??

  11. New banner, yay!
    I love your Project 51 blocks, too. I like Angela's pattern very much and you've chosen great fabrics for it.
    Yay for the bag, too. It's cool, I'm not surprised your sister-in-law liked it. Seems that handmade bags are just the right thing for sisters-in-law ;)

  12. I love your new look. I was going to say something before but was on the iPad and comment leaving on that can just take too long. I really need to change the look of my blog, but don't know how to do it. Should look for a Blogging for Dummies book or something. Impressed with your's!

  13. Great new header and those blocks look lovely

  14. Loving your new blog look, very cool! And project 51 is looking great and by the way, the bag you made your sister-in-law is amazing!!!

  15. Yay! Very pleased you all like the new look header - isnt my mate just the best? She does me a blog picture, AND she makes you all imagine I'm a slim attractive blonde.. lol :-)

  16. I love the new look! Super cute! I agree when too tired it is best to go with what your body is telling you...mistakes happen otherwise. I love the blocks. Thanks for updating...I was thinking about you!
