Sunday 10 July 2011

to sash or not to sash, that is my question..

I love that festival season is now given decent TV coverage.  My festival days have been and gone, I fell asleep during the last concert I went to and that was a couple of years ago so god knows I'd be even worse now!  But I must say I've thoroughly enjoyed indulging myself in my little Chris Martin crush ;-)  Anyway, concentrate Sarah.  I was going to tell you, as promised last post, about the quilt top I've been working on all week.  I did the design a few weeks ago and here it is...

I was aiming for a random look to it, so I was quite sure I preferred the above version to the version below with all the blocks sashed.  Sashing the blocks just seemed to highlight the fact that they are blocks, and I felt that kind of killed off my random look.

The cutting took f-o-r-e-v-e-r...  Making the blocks up was pleasingly easy and I really enjoyed it.  I did however, learn another little lesson the hard way...  I thought I was being proper and clever and pressing my seams as I went along, but I soon found that no matter the temperature of the iron the different fabrics were reacting in different ways - one particular fabric seemed to shrink a bit, another seemed to expand...  I swear I was "pressing" not "ironing", honest!  However.  I switched to using the Hera marker to press the seams and that worked a treat.  I got all the blocks done by Thursday, then found that my 12.5" blocks were, well, not all 12.5".  Not by a long shot.  I had some at every size between 12.75 - 12.25".  Just very few at 12.5"!
Friday was spent trimming every single sodding block down to 12".  Today I got them all sewn up.  Apologies for the crappiest photy yet but the bedroom is the only room in the house big enough, that isn't full of bits of bathroom!  And for some reason I just couldn't seem to hold the camera steady either so out of about 20 pics this is the least blurry...

Here's where I'd appreciate some help.  Flick back up to the designs, then back down to the quilt.  Is it just me, or does the real thing actually NEED the sashing between the blocks?  I cant make my mind up!  I look at the two designs and I much prefer the one without the block sashing.  I look at the photo of the actual quilt top and I'm thinking it looks wrong without the blocks being sashed...   Yes, it'll be a major pain in the ass to take it apart and sash it.  But I'm really loving this top, and I'd rather slog it out if it means I get it right.  I just love these fabrics!

So, please, if you will, some advice!

In other news...  My finished Single Girl has survived its first wash thanks to the trusty old colour catchers.  To be honest it's survived 3 washes as the first two times I forgot to put any detergent in the washing machine.  How I managed to forget the second time I've no idea, all I had to do was fill the soap trays and switch it on again...

A newly tiled bathroom floor covered in wet black grouting should not be left unattended.  Or rather if there is a floor covered with wet black grout Miss Elliecat should not be left unattended....

"What? Trouble?  Moi?"
The marks only took a few minutes to clean, however I the same could not be said for cleaning between a complaining Kitty's toes... Never mind.  It did give me a good laugh, and more importantly, look what lovely builder did whilst the floor was drying ...

(not the blocks..what they're on...)  I got a design wall!  Woohoo!  Admittedly its not actually big enough for a quilt top, but its the biggest bit of wall I had to use, and I love it already :-)

Next bit of sewing on the list will be my two blocks for Project 51, and my July Bee Blocks, so before I forget again (like I have done the last 3 posts) here are the disappearing nine patch blocks I did for Miss June using the lovely Dream On charms she provided.

I await your advice!  Ta ;-)  


  1. i say sash away! i love it both ways but sashed is best for me. i am so in love with silent cinema. her fabric lines make my heart go pitter patter!

  2. My personal choice would be sashing. I think you can still see the blocks anyway, without the sashing. I love the colours, and I think the contrasting sashing would make everything stand out. Great design.
    And a design wall. Result!

  3. I think I prefer it with the sashing, as it makes it more complete - it will look stunning and be worth the pain.
    Naughty Ellecat - I have the same problem with 3 pairs of kiddie feet with dirty wet footprints on the conservatory floor!
    Sooooooooooooooooo jealous of your design wall.
    Hurray for Project 51 x

  4. I know it's going to be painful, but I'd suggest sashing, too. I think the blocks look acutally more striking with the sashing. It's going to be an amazing quilt :)
    A design wall, yay!
    And I just love Elliecat's face :D

  5. Emily votes for more sashing. I feel it gives it a stained glass effect so it is whether or not that is the look you want.

  6. Aww man, I know what you mean in the design thing I like the unsashed one best but the real thing looks like it needs sashing. I'm so sorry that this means more work, but I kind of think you knew that this would be the answer to your question anyway!

  7. I think it looks much better with the sashing!

  8. I'm with the others ... I think sashing will actually frame each little occurrence of randomness nicely ... it's a beautiful quilt ... dang those pusscat paws !

  9. What a helpful builder you have! In the design pic I must confess to liking the one with sashing best, but I say go with your gut, and remember it can change again when quilted, or maybe your quilting design will give you more of the random look you're after. Good luck whatever you decide. Gorgeous fabrics btw! Jxo

  10. I'm going out on a limb to say don't sash. Don't give up now. Use something around the OUTSIDE that gives it some coherence if you want.

    Audition some borders and see if that keeps you from frogging. I love the whole thing, btw.

  11. Now that I look again, I bet some of that salmon color would be worth trying for borders. And experiment with different widths of borders. Or a narrow inner one and wider outer; you get the drift.

  12. I have to say I think the sewn version needs sashing. Part of the reason why I think this may seem silly. In the top pictures there are some identical fabrics together (from different blocks) which makes it difficult to determine where the individual blocks start and stop. In the sewn version the blocks are easy to distinguish. Sashing would make those blocks sing. Sorry but the work is needed!!!

  13. I also think I'd add sashing...if you can bear all that unpicking. It's a great quilt and the fabric is gorgeous!

  14. I agree, add the sashing. I see the quilt as having a wonderful stained glass window effect and the "sashing" is more like finishing off the stained glass leaded bits. I think it is a wonderful design!

  15. Sash! Sash sash sash! Definately sash.

    And sash ellicat while your at it :-)

  16. Sorry to be a pain but I think sashing would make it even better......the thought of unpicking it all can't be very appealing. But as you say it is lovely and I think it will be even better with the definition sashing wouldgive it. Juliex

  17. well, here i am, better late than never ;-) have to say i agree with the general consensus sweetie - yep, sashing it is sorreeeeee!
    also...... ellie cat has a very startled "wot?" look on her face doesn't she? As in "wot? I didn't Do A Thing?!" look ;-)
    and a Design Wall, gosh. How fab!

  18. How does it look on black? Surely the black border will make it look more complete, sashing or no.
